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Graphic Design Studio
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Shuffling Ideas, Creating Connections

The brand name 'Riffle' evokes the movement and change associated with the act of shuffling cards and generating new combinations.


Riffle positions itself not just as a design studio, but as a brand that embodies the spirit of innovation and collaboration through the shuffling of ideas beyond boundaries.


Shuffling Ideas

Riffle combines different ideas and perspectives like shuffling cards, and creating new concepts. Unexpected combinations lead to innovation and enable unique designs.

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Diversity of Values

Riffle respects and integrates diverse values and backgrounds, creating richer designs through the fusion of different viewpoints. Collaboration beyond boundaries is its strength.

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Flexible Change

Riffle constantly evolves and embraces change. The dynamic design process adapts to new challenges, enabling quick responses to client needs and market changes with optimal solutions.



I'm Rina Furutake, founder of Riffle.

Inspired by the dynamic shuffle of cards,
Riffle embodies innovation and collaboration, constantly reimagining ideas beyond boundaries.
Let's transform visions into reality!

Feel Free To Contact!

As a passionate graphic designer, I'm here to help bring your vision to life.

Let's create something amazing together.

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